TV & Radio

Jamie often appears on TV & Radio offering everything from loving guidance to psychic predictions.
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Jamie on The Daily Buzz-Click an episode below:
Jamie Correctly Predicts the 2012 Presidential Election (segment 1)
Jamie Correctly Predicts the 2012 Presidential Election (segment 2)
Jamie Correctly Predicts the 2012 Presidential Election (segment 3)
Jamie Correctly Predicts the 2012 Presidential Election (segment 4)
Jamie Predicts The Royal Wedding
Jamie Predicts The Royal Wedding part 2
Jamie Predicts The Royal Wedding part 3
Jamie Predicts: American Idol, Dancing With The Stars & The end of the Oprah Show! (100% accurate)
Jamie on The Daily Buzz on Halloween!
Jamie Gives predictions for 2012-part 1 (you guys DO know she doesn’t really do predictions right?)
Jamie Gives predictions for 2012-part 2 (you guys DO know she doesn’t really do predictions right?)
Jamie Gives predictions for 2012-part 3 (you guys DO know she doesn’t really do predictions right?)
Jamie Gives predictions for 2012-part 4 (you guys DO know she doesn’t really do predictions right?)
Jamie & Evan predictions for 2014
The Cosmic Cafe Radio!
The Cosmic Cafe was a wonderful, energetic experience that you can still hear in recorded episodes. There is so much energy and healing available! Give a listen. Jamie, Mitchell & for awhile Evan, brought a fun mix of humor, love and insight via live readings right on the air answering questions about love, life, finances, the future, animal & spirit communication & a whole lot more!
You can listen to archived shows below!
Just visit our Blog Talk Site
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